
Rest in the Carpathians
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Synevyr Lake

Synevyr Lake
Synevyr Glade(Ukrainian Synevyr Poliana) — excursions to the largest lake of the Ukrainian Carpathians are offered by numerous of tour agencies. The highland lake of the Carpathians is a part of the National Park «Synevyr»

Mizhhiria region, Zakarpattia oblast

Synevyr Lake

Trembita is calling to Synevyr

Synevyr is one of the biggest and amazing lakes of Ukraine. It is located at an altitude of almost of thousand meters, namely it is of 989 meters above the sea level, it is on the southern slope of the mountain range Gorgany; the lake is really unique not only for the Carpathian region but also for Europe with its breathtaking sceneries. It is called the seventh wonder of Ukraine, Carpathian Pearl, «Sea Eye»... The lake unites unrestrained waters of three turbulent streams that originate from Ozerna Mountain and it retains its incredible calm of cool stretch. And if you look at Synevyr from above it is crystal sky blue water with an island in the middle that reminds blue eyes of a beautiful girl with dark as night pupils… It is interesting that none of the stream does not flow the lake and completely dissolved in it and does not overflow it as well. Lake Synevyr Only quick-witted people can figure out where the water is going away. It goes underground drains and leaks for the picturesque grotto below by 50 meters. That is why even during the most impetuous floods and snow melting the lake never overflows its lakesides.

The scientists say that Synevyr Lake emerged in post glacial period, it is about 10 thousand years ago. As a result of the earthquake the landslides of rocks took place. It completely blocked narrow valley creating insurmountable on the way of water calamity which moved among rocky slopes. The water was trapped in the natural cavity surrounded by Slenizor and Ozerna Mountains and by Dividing Range. According to this a huge lake was formed with the area of seven hectares and with depth of 24 meters.

There is another version of Synevyr Lake origin. According to the legend, local mountains belonged to the rich count and many people worked for him: shepherded sheep and cows, cut forests. He had a very beautiful daughter with blue eyes like the sky. Namely because her blue eyes the girl was named Syn (Ukrainian "syni" means blue).

The count once took his daughter to the mountains to check the woodcutters. Picking flowers in the meadow the girl suddenly heard the magic flute melody. Verkhovynsky shepherded Vyr (Ukrainian Vyr means whirlpool) played that melody. Charmed one each other Syn and Vyr fell in love and began to go out on dates. But when the father of the girl found out about it he ordered young man to repudiate his daughter. The young man in love repudiated the girl. After that he was murdered insidiously throwing from the cliff a great boulder stone. When Syn found out what had happened with Vyr she bitterly cried hugging the murdered stone. The lake formed from her tears with crystal water and blue like eyes of Syn. In the middle of the lake even in this day you may see the top of those stone where loving couple died. Namely from their names, as locals say, originates the name of this magnificent lake. And the 13 meters sculpture established by Michel Sanych and Ivan Brovdi in 1984 on the one of the lakeside immortalized the memory of the heroes forever. Since then couples come here to celebrate weddings from different parts of Ukraine and from the Carpathian region. They say if people make the acquaintance and fall in love being at the lake, they will love each other forever.

And just not because of it Synevyr is considered as a trademark of the Carpathians and the most precious treasure of the National Park "Synevyr" the appearance of which, by the way, relating to this unique mountain reservoir. Nature around the lake is blessed as nowhere else. Slopes of the mountains surrounding Synevyr Lake are rich for vegetation. This area represents 150-years firs; Carpathians spruces; beech and fine forests enrich the air by healing aromas and charm by its reflection in the mirror stretch.

The lake's water is so clear that you can easily see the bottom and its inhabitants: crayfishes are crawling safely on the bottom, the river trout which to great surprise live well in the cool lake's water that is typically less than 11 degrees and many other unique representatives of the local flora and fauna; they are listed as endangered as well. Among these "endangered" and rare species are the following: the spotted salamander as permanent inhabitant of this area, the wild cat, the cock of the wood, the black stork, the Carpathian triton and more 20 species of animals and 38 species of plants that are threatened with extinction. That is why surrounding forests around the lake are considered the National Nature Park. The lake, hidden by thick eyelashes of age-related firs, is not only the Ukrainian treasury but it is listed as the world wonder of nature.

Synevyr - festivals and important events

Festival of the ethnic music «Trembitas are calling to Synevyr» stages every year in Synevyr. During the festival musicians are coming not only from all Ukraine but from all neighboring countries. Exhibitions of arts and crafts, cooking competitions took place as well. So if you decide to visit this amazing place in Mizhhiria region you will always have something fun and something to see, in addition, of course, to the unique surrounding nature and the lake.

Nearest ski lifts to Synevyr

  • Mizhhiria - 31 km;
  • Pylypets - 54 km;
  • Izky - 50 km;
  • Podobovets - 58 km.

Nearest spa resorts to Synevyr Poliana

  • Soimy - 37 km;
  • Svaliva – 97 km;
  • Shayan – 88 km.

Interesting sightseeing nearby Synevyr Lake

Nearby the lake wooden  Carpathian restaurants and summer houses attract tourists. There is the unique museum of wood and rafting on the Black River and it is near the dam form the middle of  ХIХ century. It tells about the life of Bokorash - people who rafting woods and they are the representatives of dangerous profession which finally fell into decay in 1954.


Synevyr Poliana village
Mizhhiria region
Zakarpattia oblast

49.7528799341502, 24.01611328125

Synevyr Lake. Rest in the Carpathians

Olga Mos'ondz for the portal " Resorts and rest in the Carpathians "
Synevir lake