
Rest in the Carpathians
Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах

3D view of the Carpathians in Rybnyk

3D view of the Carpathians in Rybnyk
Picturesque landscapes, river Stryi, suspension bridges are all these can be seen on the road towards Rybnyk village. There is a famous spa resort Skhidnytsa which is not far from Rybnyk village.

Rybnyk village, Lviv oblast, Carpatians

Rybnyk village, river Stryi

Virtual Tour “Picturesque Carpathians”


To download Virtual Tour click the image below and adjust the dynamic loudspeakers of PC

Rybnyk, Nizhny Kropyvnyk