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"Tunnel of love" – Klevan

"Tunnel of love" – Klevan
It is one the most romantic place in Ukraine - "Tunnel of Love" - this is natural wonder that fascinated the world

Rivnenska oblast, Klevan village, the railway line that connects Klevan and Orzhiv villages

«Tunnel of Love» - Klevan

It is four kilometers of all-embracing romance

There is great deal of wonderful romantic places in the world that dozens or even hundreds of years are permanent for pilgrimage couples. Paris, Venice, Bali ... they are always attractive of its heady aroma of love and tales of lovers and beloved, for those who is looking and has not found his or her love, married and single, who want to open their hearts to this beautiful feeling. They are strongly believers that while you are visiting the epicenter of romance yourselves you will meet your love or will strengthen that you have found…
But what shall we do if we have neither time nor money to make the overseas trip at least in one of the renowned "capitals of Cupid"...? The main idea is not to be worried about.
Ukraine has wonderful, and perhaps more romantic, beautiful, elegant, and what is the most important - original place, where dreams of lovers of eternal love can come true.
This place is called "Tunnel of Love", which stretches nearly for four kilometers along the railway line that connects Klevan and Orzhiv villages in Rivne oblast.
In fact, the tunnel is dense thicket of trees and shrubs that are woven together in the form of ideal arch’s proportion. And the tunnel has appeared, as local say, by accident – this is an excessive love of Soviet power to be secret. This single-track railway led to the former military base, so in order to be invisible it had been planted on both sides by trees and bushes. Subsequently thickets were left untouchable and they formed a kind of green corridor. The perfect shape was formed by the fright train which runs regularly to woodworking plant, breaking "extra" twigs on the way.
There is a popular belief that if a couple kisses here and thinks of one wish for two while train running, they will keep this feeling forever. But if you plant flowers in this tunnel you will have happy and brightly colored life.
You may believe in it or not - everyone decides for oneself, but what is for sure, you would be impressed coming here and amazed by this phenomenon of botanic beauty. There is no doubt about it. While you are looking pictures of the tunnel in the Internet for the first time it seems that it's all Photoshop’s features, but, in fact, you can get the same great pictures from your ordinary telephone as well. This beauty was created by the best professional landscaper – the Mother Nature. Her unique works of art, as is known, can not remain indifferent anyone.
This place has been recently known to people – it happened in 2009, when one of the local photographers decided to make wedding pictures in the tunnel for several newlyweds’ couples. Pictures, he outlined in a social network and it just so to say "blew up" the public. This segment of railway track in dense thicket of trees and shrubs, which is still known only to locals, flew not only Ukraine but the whole world. The pilgrims of love now come here like Easter faithful to Jerusalem.
This place has been recently known to people – it happened in 2009, when one of the local photographers decided to make wedding pictures in the tunnel for several newlyweds’ couples. Pictures, he outlined in a social network and it just so to say "blew up" the public. Fame about this segment of railway track in dense thicket of trees and shrubs, which is still known only to locals, flew not only Ukraine but the whole world. The pilgrims of love now come here like Easter faithful to Jerusalem.
So I advise you to visit this incredible place of beauty. Perhaps, this is the place where you will see the light at the end of tunnel and it will lead you to the most wonderful feeling on earth which we call love!

When is the most appropriate time to visit it

The best time to visit this place is, of course, spring and summer. It is also very beautiful in autumn due to autumn’s color palette. In winter the tunnel acquires mysterious or even mystic view.

How to get to this place

It is possible to get to Klevan by train; the town is on the way from Rivne to Lutsk.
You can also get their by car. It is about 350 km from Kyiv to Klevan. If you get to Rivne you have to choose the Н22 road. In Klevan you have to drive to the railway station and then on foot towards east. Locals will always help you if you have some difficulties to get there.

What other places are worth to visit

By the way, there is an amazing castle of XV century in Klevan; the ruins of it are above Stubla River. You can make an excursion there as well.


Photos from websites: webdiscover.ru, bigpicture.ru, railworks2.ru, ticketforplane.ru, natalie-milko.livejournal.com, udivitelno.com, Geon-club.com.ua, wyr.com.ua


Hotel Villa Grand in Truskavets
Transfer Dragobrat
Bukovel, hotel Lis i Gory
Н. Студенный, комплекс отдыха "Озеро Вита"