
Rest in the Carpathians
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Rest in the Carpathians — Kamianka

Rest in the Carpathians — Kamianka
Natural complex of valley Kamianka, waterfall, Dead Lake, mineral springs. Kamenka included in the routes of many tour groups. They arrive here often just relax for the weekend.

Lviv oblast, Skole village, Kamianka
If you travelling by train, by bus or by own transport, the direction is to Skole. The road sign on the highway Kyiv-Chop, Skole will point to the recreation complex river Kamenka



Rest in the Carpathians — Skole, Kamianka

Natural complex of valley Kamianka

Waterfall Kamianka, Dead Lake and Holy water, canyons of the mountain Klyuch

What can be seen on the river of that name? Large and small stones and among them there is a rapid river Kamianka.

But it flows among rock banks making large and small magnificent waterfalls. This place is attractive because there are several interesting sights on this relatively small territory. This is the river Kamianka, the waterfall formed in the rock gap and the lake underneath where you can swim in summer.

A little further is Dead Lake, mineral springs, Klyuch Mountain, caves and rocks at the top.

Not reaching the waterfall, on the right before the bridge there is a spring with mineral water type “Naftusya”. Kmaianka river flows through the valley with steep vertical banks on each several desperate trees have grown. This waterfall is small, it just only has 5 meters, but it looks attractive as well as the river in the valley. This place is well known, excursion groups are very often brought here on weekends, and however, there are also unorganized groups of tourists. Usually in summer near the waterfall you may see tables where locals offer different Carpathians dishes, souvenirs, tea and coffee.

Slightly upstream the river Kamianka there is a recreation area partially equipped. The river at this point is divided into small, quiet and shallow river’s horns. A cozy place is surrounded by high pine forest. It is possible for the tourists to put up a tent, play football, cook roast meat and barbecue. There in summer put up several small tents where you can order something to eat. A small children hill is being built there as well; there is a possibility of horse ridding.

To the left of the road there is a sign to Lake Zhuravlyne or as it is called Dead Lake. Some steps ahead of the almost vertical road and in front of you there is a stretch of small lake with clear water. And there is an absolute silence. The banks are overgrown with moss; there are no movements on the water surface. There is a feeling of horror. But it is interesting and beautiful. If you make several climbs, you will say ‘goodbye’ cellulites :).

All those who barely drag his feet after a steep rise to Dead Lake can climb down to the spring which is called “Holy water” and restore strength. The sign and small bridge over the river will help you to find it.

Another object where groups of tourists do not reach is a memorial to the Sich Riflemen who died in these places in the fight against the Russian army.

НNearby, on the top of Klyuch Mountain there are sandstone cliffs. Their remains reach height of 15 - 20 meters and form whole groups.

There are also caves and canyons. They have a specific origin and differ from normal which, as a rule, washed with water. Canyons formed as a result of cracks and landslides of Klyuch’s mountain ridge. These cracks in the rocks form entire labyrinths. Some of them have a length of several hundred meters. Depth of some canyons is up to 25 meters and width is from 2 to 5 meters.

The largest canyon is located near the memorial to the Sich Riflemen at the top of Klyuch Mountain. Complex of rocks as the whole valley of the river Kamianka is a part of the national park “Skole Beskids”.

Rest and accommodation in the Carpathians
Several resorts and sports camp is built along the road towards the waterfall Kamianka.
Excursions to Kamianka
Excursions to the waterfall are made from the following towns: Skhidnytsa, Truskavets, Morshyn, Bukovel, Slavske, and Lviv.
Tour operators
  • “The Carpathians pearl” - Skhidnytsa;
  • “Europe Tour” – Skhidnytsa.
How to get to this place
You should take the highway Kyiv-Chop; to reach Dubyna village, a sign “Waterfall Kamianka”; in opposite there is a chapel and a cross to get an orientation. Travels by train — from the station Skole, then you should take a regular bus to Dubyna village or just go on foot.
Nearest tourists’ sights
Nearest ski resorts
Lviv oblast
Skole region

49° 2' 1.43N, 23° 33' 47.72"49E

* Information used from State geological survey of Ukraine
2014. Rest in the Carpathians.Kamianka, Dead Lake – natural complex of the valley Kamianka
Rest in the Carpathians – Kamianka