
Rest in the Carpathians
Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах

Skhidnytsia, private house "Ms. Irene"

Skhidnytsia, private house "Ms. Irene"
Private house "Ms. Irene" is a cheap rest in Skhidnytsia. Accommodation in a two-store building with 10 rooms. Equipped kitchen on each floor. Near the forest, river, close to the sources of mineral water.
Lviv oblast, Drohobych district
Boryslavska City Council
village Skhidnytsia, 14 B. Khmelnitsky Str.
GPS: 49.225869, 23.370710


Private house of Skhidnytsia

Cheap accommodation in Skhidnytsia, hotel "Mrs. Irene"

The page is in development. Photographs of the house wil bel soon
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Lviv region, SMT. Skhidnitsa str. B. Khmelnitsky, 14, <br> GPS: 49.225869, 23.370710
  • +38 (067) 494-32-62;
  • + 38 (063) 458-00-99-Iryna Stepanivna
We invite you to relax in Skhodnitsa!


Skhidnitsa 2015. Private house "Mrs. Irene"