
Rest in the Carpathians
Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах

"Pik hotel", Drahobrat

"Pik hotel", Drahobrat
It is one of the high-mountain hotels of Drahobrat. There are varieties of rooms: from standard to two-room apartments. Beautiful views of Hoverla and Petros Mountains, Svydovetskyi range. There is the lift to Stih Mountain.

Settlement Drahobrat, township Yasinia
Rakhiv region, Zakarpattia oblast


Hotels of Drahobrat – holidays in Drahobrat

Hotel «Pik hotel»


This place is convenient for lovers of skiing in winter and excursions and walking tours to the mountains, to mountains' lakes of Drahobrat in summer. You can gather even mushrooms directly near the hotel.

We invite you to rest in «Pik hotel»
2013-2016, Holidays in Drahobrat, «Pik hotel»
Hotel Villa Grand in Truskavets
Transfer Dragobrat
Bukovel, hotel Lis i Gory
Н. Студенный, комплекс отдыха "Озеро Вита"