
Rest in the Carpathians
Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах

Drahobrat, hotel "Maryna"

Hotel "Maryna", Drahobrat - it is a rest in 10 m from the ski lift. Rooms are with all facilities. There is a restaurant, an equipment rental agency. There is a system of discounts.
Settlement Drahobrat, township Yasinia
Rakhiv region, Zakarpattia oblast

Hotel Villa Grand in Truskavets
Transfer Dragobrat
Bukovel, hotel Lis i Gory
Н. Студенный, комплекс отдыха "Озеро Вита"