
Rest in the Carpathians
Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Горы" - отдых в Карпатах
Website "Winter Mountain" - rest in Carpathians Cайт "Зима Гори" - відпочинок в Карпатах

Izky, private houses "Richka"

Izky, private houses "Richka"
New modern homestead of eco-resort Pylypets. Rest and accommodation with all conveniences. Rooms for 2-3 persons, Finnish sauna, bath, swimming pool, 2 kitchens, barbecue, fireplace.
Transcarpathian oblast, Mizhgirya region, village "Richka" (Transcarpathia)

Resorts Izky, private houses "Richka"

Hotels of Izky

English is not. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please read full description on Ukrainian or Russian.

Transcarpathian oblast, Mizhgirya region, village "Richka" (Transcarpathia)

Phone: +38-096 735 0492 (Микола Пилип)

Email: mikola.pilip@gmail.com


Accommodation at the resort Izky near Pylypets combines coziness and high level of comfort!

Izky, Richka